Despite the health benefits of tobacco control and cessation initiatives, tobacco users with behavioral health disorders (BHDs) have less access to evidence-based tobacco dependence treatment. Academic-community partnerships can help guide the translation of tobacco-related research findings and evidence-based guidelines into real-world applications. Through a comprehensive, evidence-based, multilevel, and multicomponent program, Taking Texas Tobacco Free (TTTF) facilitated the implementation of tobacco-free workplaces at 18 local mental health authorities in Texas, comprising over 250 individual community behavioral health centers. Compared with preprogram implementation, key accomplishments postimplementation include: (1) educated over 5,000 employees (nonclinical staff and providers) on the hazards of tobacco use and benefits of quitting, particularly among people with BHD; providers were additionally trained on the use of evidence based practices (EBPs; i.e. 5A’s model, use of pharmacotherapy) to identify and treat tobacco use among people with BHD; (2) providers’ significant increase in conducting tobacco-use assessments and using EBPs; (3) significant decrease in nonclinical staff tobacco use; (4) increase in quit attempts among consumers as evidenced by the demand for nicotine replacement therapy; and (5) reach to over 115,000 community members through outreach and education about the benefits of quitting tobacco use and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. TTTF demonstrated that the implementation of a comprehensive tobacco-free workplace program in behavioral health settings is feasible and beneficial, facilitating the capacity building of healthcare professionals and enhancing their resulting engagement in EBPs, and promoting healthier lifestyles among employees, consumers, and community members as a whole.
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