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Lorraine Reitzel

Lorraine Reitzel headshot
Professor and HRI Co-founder
Department of Psychological, Health, & Learning Sciences 
466D FH & 1095 Health 2

I direct the Social Determinants and Health Disparities Lab at the University of Houston. My research program focuses on better understanding the social determinants of health and health risk behaviors - and the specific biopsychosocial mechanisms that account for disparities in health risk behaviors and health outcomes - with an emphasis on generating highly translational results that can be used to inform policy and intervention. Much of my work is focused on addressing health disparities related to tobacco use, alone or comorbid with other substance dependence and health risk behaviors, among low socioeconomic status (SES) groups. 


Landing a pivotal publication in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, UHAND researcher and first author Anastasia Rogova, Ph.D. outlines her significant findings about mentor-mentee relationships among underrepresented scholars. Rogova is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Psychological, Health, and Learning Sciences at the University of Houston.
August 15, 2022
After years of working as a research chemist, University of Houston doctoral student Kerry Chávez decided to change careers and study psychology with a focus on addressing health inequities.
July 19, 2022
For families who live near Carrizo Springs or Crystal City, Texas, all it takes one rough patch in life to truly set you back and on the path of relentlessly struggling to find food, shelter, and healthcare.
March 24, 2022
For University of Houston’s Distinguished Professor, Dr. Lorraine Reitzel, her passion to hone the development of her students as experienced researchers in health equity comes naturally.
March 15, 2022
CPRIT featured TTTF in its 2021 Annual Report because this comprehensive, evidence-based program is working across Texas to address many of these tobacco-related health disparities through multiple grant awards since 2010.” CPRIT’s Chief Prevention Office Ramona Magid said.
February 24, 2022