Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults have higher rates of smoking than heterosexual adults. LGB individuals face unique stressors, including challenges associated with having a LGB identity. The extent to which these unique stressors are related to dependence motives in LGB adult smokers, however, has not been previously explored. The current study was conducted to redress these gaps. This study is the first to examine multidimensional aspects of LGB identity in explaining smoking dependence motives among LGB adults. Results reveal that LGB identity challenges are associated with dependence motives, suggesting that interventions targeting these challenges may be help reduce LGB smoking disparities. Specifically, reducing identity uncertainty may help reduce smoking dependence. Though identity affirmation was a smoking dependence correlate, it is counterproductive to reduce affirmation, given its association with other positive health outcomes. Rather, interventions to change LGB community norms around smoking appear warranted, given the documented high overlap between affirmation and community affiliation.