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Jodi Berger Cardoso

Jodi Berger Cardoso headshot
Associate Professor
Graduate College of Social Work

Dr. Cardoso’s research examines how exposure to trauma and psychosocial stress before, during and post-migration affects the mental health of Latino immigrants and their children. She has been funded to examine the unique stressors associated parenting in the context of deportation risk; trauma, coping strategies, and substance use behaviors in unaccompanied migrant youth; and the local and state challenges associated with large influxes of Central American children and families on school, legal and health and human services in the Houston area.


HRI mentee, Jodi Berger Cardoso, led a research effort on how Latino high school students in Harris County fear someone close to them could be arrested and deported. And more than half of reported symptoms of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are at levels significant enough to warrant treatment.
September 2, 2020
Dr. Berger Cardoso, explores the influence of immigration enforcement on mental health and school engagement outcomes in foreign-born and second generation (i.e., U.S. born with an immigrant parent) Latinx youth.
August 5, 2019